- Supports HTTP Authentication.
- Supports almost every TCP client application.
- Multiple connections.
- Address resolution (via external DNS server).
- Dinamic asignation of connections (via SOCKS 4/5 Server).
- Easy configuration (command line driven).
- It's not based on a client-server aproach. Desproxy
only needs access to the HTTP proxy, not an external server. If you can
run such a server outside the proxy (in the Internet maybe), please use
httptunnel instead.
desproxy doesn't support (yet)
desproxy WILL NOT ever support
- NTLM Authentication (for those behing a MS Proxy), but
you can use a "parent proxy" like NTLM ASP to negotiate NTLM authentication
with your MS proxy. Please visit www.geocities.com/rozmanov/ntlm
if you are behind a MS Proxy.
- Applications (like ftp) that need incoming
connections from outside the proxy.